Baseball Cards Wiki

2001 Playoff Absolute Memorabilia was one of the most successful high end sets released by Donruss in 2001.


The cards were distributed primarily in hobby boxes that came 6 cards per pack and 18 packs per box. Cards were also distributed in retail packs with significantly worse insert odds. A hobby box sold on eBay in June 2009 for $142.

Base Set[]

Key Cards[]

RPM Short Prints[]


Spectrum Parallels[]

RPM Autograph Parallels[]


Ball Hoggs[]

Home Opener Souvenirs[]

2001 Absolute HO HR

The bases and baseballs from the opening day of the 2001 season were purchased by Donruss and swatches of these items were the basis for the Home Opener Souvenirs sets. 5 different sets Single (1 swatch), Double (2 swatches), Triple (3 swatches), Homerun (4 swatches), and Autographed (1 swatch) were inserted into packs. Each was serial numberd to 400, 200, 100, 25 and 25 copies respectively. Only ten of the fifty cards were paralleled with an autograph.

Tools of the Trade[]

2001 Absolute TOTT 05

The first of the famous Tools of the Trade sets. The fifty card set features game used jerseys (/300), bats (/100), batting gloves (/50) and hats(/100) of many of baseball's current superstars. Fifteen of the fifty were packed out as redemption cards that expired in 2003. Ten of the cards were also paralleled with an autographed version that was serial numbered to 25 copies.

Signing Bonus Baseball[]

2001 Absolute Ball 1

In each hobby box of 2001 Absolute Memorabilia, an autographed baseball was inserted as a box topper. Most of the balls were signed by either Hall of Fame players or current superstars.
