Cut Signatures is an insert set in 2005 Topps Gallery. This 18-card set features historic personalities but no baseball players. Each card is hand serial numbered to between 1-7. The cards were inserted at a rate of 1:376 mini-boxes.
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- BW Benjamin West/1
- ED Eugene Delacroix/1
- FB Frederic Bartholdi/2
- FC Frederic Church/1
- FF Friz Freleng/1
- FR Frederic Remington/1
- GM Grandma Moses/1
- JF James Earl Fraser/1
- JM Joan Miro/2
- JW James Whistler/1
- MC Marc Chagall/2
- ME Max Ernst/1
- NR Norman Rockwell/2
- PP Pablo Picasso/1
- RK Rockwell Kent/1
- SD Salvador Dali/2
- TN Thomas Nast/7
- WD Walt Disney/1
Template:2005 Topps Gallery