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Inside the Numbers Cuts is an insert set in 2007 SP Legendary Cuts. The 32-card sets features cut signatures from retired stars and Hall of Fame players. Each card is serial numbered between 4 and 113 copies each.


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Number Player Team PR
BD Bill Dickey Yankees 28
BH Billy Herman Dodgers 99
BL Bob Lemon Indians 75
CG Charlie Gehringer Tigers 60
CH Carl Hubbell Giants 70
CK Charlie Keller Yankees 38
EA Earl Averill Indians 57
EL Ernie Lombardi Reds 38
EM Eddie Mathews Braves 70
ES Enos Slaughter Cardinals 69
EW Early Wynn Indians 34
FS Fred Snodgress Giants 75
GH Gabby Hartnett Cubs 25
GR Left Grove A's 73
HG Hank Greenberg Tigers 25
JC Joe Cronin Red Sox 29
JM Joe Medrick Cardinals 119
JV Johnny Vander Meer Reds 39
LA Luke Appling White Sox 59
LB Lou Boudreau Indians 13
LG Lefty Gomez Yankees 75
MC Max Carey Pirates 8
RA Richie Ashburn Phillies 4
RD Ray Dandridge Eagles 5
RH Rogers Hornsby Cardinals 6
RM Rube Marquard Giants 33
SC Stan Coveleski Indians 72
ST Willie Stargell Pirates 6
VK Vern Kennedy White Sox 45
VS Vern Stephens Red Sox 10
WH Waite Hoyt Yankees 65
WI Hoyt Wilhelm Giants 55
WS Warren Spahn Braves 55

Template:2007 SP Legendary Cuts
