Employee Autographs is a kick in the balls, I mean, insert set in 2011 Topps Allen and Ginter. Each card has an autograph of a Topps employee and is serial numbered to 10 copies each. Ughh, imagine this being your case hit...
Each card number carries an AGEA prefix.
Outside of set collectors and novelty, the cards in this set have minimal value. Occasionally one appears on eBay with an asking price of $80 or more and fails to sell.
Number | Employee |
CB | Colin Butler |
DB | Danielle Brown |
DE | David Enslee |
ELG | Ellie Leon-Gutierrez |
FR | Chong Rutherford |
JF | Jeremy Fullerton |
MB | Matthew Bleiberg |
OV | Olga Vega |
Base Set |
Insert Sets |
Mini EXT - Baseball Highlights - Autographs - N43 - Book Cards - Cabinet Cards - Cut Signatures - DNA Relics |
Relics - Rip Cards - Employee Autographs - Floating Fortresses - Hometown Heroes - Minds that Made the Future |
Animals in Peril - Fabulous Face Flocculence - Flora of the World - Fortunes for the Taking - Penultimancy |
Step Right Up - Uninvited Guests - Most Mysterious Figures - Ascent of Man - Carnival Relics - State Map Relics - Terrorabilia |
Other Information |
Card Images - Notable Singles - Box Breaks |
Other Topps Allen and Ginter Releases |
2006 - 2007 - 2008 - 2009 - 2010 - 2012 - 2013 - 2014 - 2015 - 2016 - 2017 - 2018 - 2019 |