Floating Fortresses is an insert set in 2011 Topps Allen and Ginter.
Number | Ship |
1 | HMS Vistory |
2 | Mary Rose |
3 | Henri Grace a Dieu |
4 | Michael |
5 | Sovereign of the Seas |
6 | HMS Indefatigable |
7 | Mahmudive |
8 | Le Naploleon |
9 | USS Merrimack |
10 | USS Monitor |
11 | Lave |
12 | La Gloire |
13 | HMA Warrior |
14 | Solferino |
15 | USS Cairo |
16 | HMS Dreadnought |
17 | USS Texas |
18 | HMS Devastation |
19 | HMS Revenge |
20 | USS Pennsylvania |
Base Set |
Insert Sets |
Mini EXT - Baseball Highlights - Autographs - N43 - Book Cards - Cabinet Cards - Cut Signatures - DNA Relics |
Relics - Rip Cards - Employee Autographs - Floating Fortresses - Hometown Heroes - Minds that Made the Future |
Animals in Peril - Fabulous Face Flocculence - Flora of the World - Fortunes for the Taking - Penultimancy |
Step Right Up - Uninvited Guests - Most Mysterious Figures - Ascent of Man - Carnival Relics - State Map Relics - Terrorabilia |
Other Information |
Card Images - Notable Singles - Box Breaks |
Other Topps Allen and Ginter Releases |
2006 - 2007 - 2008 - 2009 - 2010 - 2012 - 2013 - 2014 - 2015 - 2016 - 2017 - 2018 - 2019 |