Man's Best Friend is an insert set in 2012 Topps Allen and Ginter.
Number | Animal |
MBF-1 | Siberian Husky |
MBF-2 | Dalmatian |
MBF-3 | Golden Retriever |
MBF-4 | German Shepherd |
MBF-5 | Beagle |
MBF-6 | Dachshund |
MBF-7 | Yorkshire Terrier |
MBF-8 | Labrador Retriever |
MBF-9 | Boxer |
MBF-10 | Poodle |
MBF-11 | Chihuahua |
MBF-12 | Shih Tzu |
MBF-13 | Collie |
MBF-14 | Pug |
MBF-15 | Cocker Spaniel |
MBF-16 | Saint Bernard |
MBF-17 | Bulldog |
MBF-18 | Boston Terrier |
MBF-19 | Basset Hound |
MBF-20 | Shetland Sheepdog |
Base Set |
Insert Sets |
Silk Collection - Mini Exclusives - What’s In A Name? - Historical Turning Points |
Guys in Hats - Fashionable Ladiesy - World’s Tallest Buildings |
Baseball Highlight Sketches - Colony in a Card - People of the Bible - Man’s Best Friend |
World’s Greatest Military Leaders - Giants of the Deep - Musical Masters - Culinary Curiosities - Rip Cards - Rip Card Reserve |
N-43 - Baseball Highlight Cabinets - Cabinet Relics - Currency of the World Cabinet Relics - Lepidoptery Cabinet - Rollercoaster Cabinets |
Artist Original - Relic - DNA Relics - Employee Relics - Book Cards - Autographs - Employee Autographs - Cut Signatures |
Other Information |
Card Images - Notable Singles - Box Breaks |
Other Topps Allen and Ginter Releases |
2006 - 2007 - 2008 - 2009 |
2010 - 2011 - 2013 - 2014 - 2015 - 2016 - 2017 - 2018 - 2019 |