Baseball Cards Wiki


Base Set[]

Parallel Sets[]

Mini Exclusives[]


Insert Sets[]

Across the Years[]

Artist Originals[]

Wonders of the World Box Loaders[]

Codes, Cyphers, and Cryptographs[]

Curious Cases[]

Famous Finds[]

Heavy Hangs the Head[]

Inquiring Minds[]

Peace Makers[]

The First Americans[]

Civilizations of Ages Past[]

One Little Corner[]

Palaces and Strongholds[]

Martial Mastery[]

Framed Mini Relics[]

Full Size Relics[]

Rip Cards[]

Rip Card Reserve[]

Double Rip Cards[]

One Of A Kind[]

Oddity Relics[]

Framed Originals[]

As with previous releases of Allen and Ginter, Topps purchased some original Allen and Ginter cards are inserted them as Framed cards into packs. Primarily Flag cards of various countries and colonies have been spotted as being pulled from 2013 packs. An example card is shown below.

Employee Autographs[]

Employee Relics[]

  • Employee Relics Checklist and Gallery

Book Cards[]

DNA Relic[]


Mini Autographs[]

Cut Signatures[]

Double Bat Knobs[]

Oversized Boxloaders[]

Oversized Boxloader Cut Signature[]

A redemption card for a single Ted Williams cut signature card was inserted to a hobby box.

Template:2013 Topps Allen and Ginter
